
Showing posts from September, 2017

170910-Atmosphere Bistro

10 Sep 2017 - Happy 21st birthday Its my daughter's birthday. So I made her a cake she requested. With the bluberries tea leaves she brought home. I used he tea leaves, tweet the pandan cake recipe and ta da, here is the cake created. Some tell me it is a little to much berries. But after we cut and ate it, we find that this combination is just nice. We finished half of the cake in less than 30mins.  Now, it is time to indulge.  My daughter wanted a restaurant somewhere near the sea. Out of the town. So we decided to choose East Coast Park. Decided to revisit Sandbank as we tried before and quite good. My daughter goggled and made her pick from the menu from the website. When we reach there, she realised she checked on the wrong website. She has mistakenly checked on Atmosphere Bistro instead. So, we decided to go with the flow. Try out Atmosphere Bistro. It is a good mistake. Food is good, service i

Chinese Spinach with century egg

It is Saturday and one of my daughter is having lunch at home before heading out. I will try my best to cook for them so long as my children are at home for lunch or dinner knowing that they will not have enough vegetables intake when dining out. Decided to cook teochew porridge. We have switch to brown rice for quite some time. Decided to cook chinese spinach. I have some left over of duck wings from Taipei. So it ended up as my porridge side dish as well. Simple lunch for 2 person. Our favourite to have plenty of vegetables. Yes, supposed to use century egg. But I have got left over of 3 flavour eggs from my Taipei trip. So decided to use it to cook with the vegetables. 1. Place water to boil in the kwali 2. Boil the stalk for 1 min, then stir in the leaves for another 3 mins. 3. Add the cut eggs. Add salt to taste. 4. Add fried garlic. Serve. Oh usually, I will pre-fried some garlic for daily use. However, garlic prices has increased so much that I decided to try out the rea

Raddish and Carrot Pickles

We bought a packet of instant cold noodles form Big Box last weekend and it taste really great after trying it. We all felt that if we have some pickle to go with it, it will taste even better. So I decided to try out making my own pickle. After checking out a few website, the recipe seems to be the same. 1 portion sugar 1 portion vinegar 1 portion water. Boil all the above and let it cool Placed the cut vegetables and let it soak. So I decided to try out myself. For a start, I make a little so that in case anything goes wrong, my food won't get wasted. 1/2 cup water 1/2 cup sugar 1/2 cup vinegar (I add a 1/4 more vinegar) 1/2 turnip and 1 small carrot. I boil the sugar and water first. Until the sugar dissolved, I add vinegar and turn off the fire once it boil. I add more vinegar to it as I felt it is not sour enough  to have that typical korean pickle taste. Once the liquid cool down, I soak them into small containers. My taste test 1. 30 mins. - a hint of bitte