Raddish and Carrot Pickles

We bought a packet of instant cold noodles form Big Box last weekend and it taste really great after trying it. We all felt that if we have some pickle to go with it, it will taste even better. So I decided to try out making my own pickle. After checking out a few website, the recipe seems to be the same.
1 portion sugar
1 portion vinegar
1 portion water.
Boil all the above and let it cool
Placed the cut vegetables and let it soak.

So I decided to try out myself. For a start, I make a little so that in case anything goes wrong, my food won't get wasted.
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup vinegar (I add a 1/4 more vinegar)
1/2 turnip and 1 small carrot.
I boil the sugar and water first. Until the sugar dissolved, I add vinegar and turn off the fire once it boil. I add more vinegar to it as I felt it is not sour enough  to have that typical korean pickle taste.

Once the liquid cool down, I soak them into small containers.
My taste test
1. 30 mins. - a hint of bitterness on raddish
2. 1 hour - Raddish taste crunchy, but there is still a hint of bittnerness
3. 3 hours - Taste crunch and sweet. There is still a hint of raddish flavour
4. Next day - Taste good.

Yeah, I am going to use this as side dishes and add on to our cold noodles that my daughter have just bought.


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